More than 250 leaders from the worlds of business, politics and the media gathered at the Dorchester Hotel on Monday 18th October 2010 for a glittering Gala Dinner to celebrate the 2010 HSBC Start-Up Stars Awards. The 2010 Start-Up Stars winners were announced on the night for the overall winner, the green award and the international award.
Head of business banking for HSBC, Huw Morgan, said: "Lucy and Sophie's story is a perfect demonstration of two entrepreneurs with a great idea, who then carried it through to create an impressive brand
From left to right: Dodo Juice (HSBC Green Award winner 2010), Mazuma (HSBC Start-Up Star 2010), Veritas (HSBC International Award winner 2010)
Business Secretary Vince Cable praised the 16 finalists competing for the top honours, saying: "The very best of British enterprise is represented at the HSBC Start-Up Stars Awards."
He added: "With the economy still facing significant problems and the state no longer able to spend its way to recovery we are more reliant than ever on enterprise and business to provide real growth and jobs for our economy. The dynamism, innovation and hard work of these SMEs will help drive Britain's economic recovery now and for the future and will demonstrate yet again that the UK is open for business."
We'd like to say a big thank you to all of our staff and clients across the UK who have helped make Mazuma what it is today, we wouldn't be where we are without you!